Watching the movie 'The Lunchbox', I was drawn into a
different world sans all the clutter of modern day technology. The
simplicity,the sensitivity and the pure emotions in the simple story of two
strangers who get close to each other through exchanging of letters over the
lunchbox was so delightful. It made me ponder over the complications that man
has imposed on himself through his own intelligence. Technology was meant to
make things easier for man,but the opposite is happening right now. We are
moving into a complicated, insensitive world where people just do not bother
about what's happening to others and relationships are getting more and more
fragile by the day.
How do you solve a quadratic equation of the form ax2+bx+c=0?
You might use various methods like factoring by inspection, quadratic formula,
completing the square. The path you take depends on your choice,but what the
examiner wants at the end of the day is the right answer. In this equation, 'x'
represents the unknown. 'a','b','c' represent numbers. The goal of this is to arrive
at the value of 'x'. So in a way, a,b,c represent the problems you face and x
is the solution! How then do you arrive at the value of x? Well,it is pure simplication. You break up the equation in to
smaller parts and proceed to find out the value of x.Mathematics in a way
mirrors the intricacies of life. When we have done it so successfully in
our school and college mathematics, why then can we not apply the same
mathematical principles to our lives too? In my maths textbooks, I always
used to see "SIMPLIFY the following equation or SOLVE the following".
Never did I see something like "Complicate this equation", though I
have many times ended up doing just that! The point is to free ourselves
from the unneeded clutter and to keep thinking in terms of simplifying and
solving the hurdles we keep facing from time to time.
The advent of mobile phones,emails,social media,instant
messaging and the like were supposed to bring people closer. But has that been
the case? The answer is a resounding 'NO'. In the past,people used to write
heartfelt letters to near and dear ones, which would be preserved for many more
years. Now,we have technology which delivers the mails or messages within
seconds,but do these mails and messages have the same effect? People use shortened
words(sms lingo) which have little or no feelings and would probably be deleted
any time.In fact,we even tend to forget close ones' birthdays too,only to be
reminded on Facebook! The addiction to television,phones,smartphones,internet
and computer has created such a miserable world that we no longer have
the time or the interest to have a real face to face chat with our own people.
The spare time will be spent on the gadgets,mobile games and the like and we
complain later that time runs very fast these days! It's a fact that time and
tide wait for none and one day is equal to twenty four hours from times
immemorial. How then do we complain that we do not have enough time?
Ultimately, what matters in the end is how we utilise the same twenty four hours
for what we intend to do every day. What was supposed to make our lives simpler
has actually made it more complicated, devoid of emotions and feelings and has
truly made us forget about the simple pleasures of life that money cannot buy.
We spend so much of money to buy the 'In-things', and
follow senseless trends to be recognised as a big shot in life. We tend to
think of happiness in terms of material things,but are we indeed happy? Are we
able to find any degree of inner peace? We scoff at or ignore the things that
can make us happy most easily,but in the end,it's those simple pleasures that
really give us some degree of peace and contentment. What are those simple
pleasures? They vary with each person; for one,it might be watching nature in
its resplendent glory,watching sunrise,having a walk in the beach; for another
it might be chatting with close ones,lending a helping hand to those in need.
The goal is to find out such free pleasures and indulge in them everyday for
some time because happiness,peace and contentment is within us. The answers to
our problems are also within the recesses of the mind. It just needs an
uncomplicated mind to 'FIND' them.
There is a compelling need to reinforce the concepts of
simplicity,hope and positivity within us and bring to the fore many ignored
facets of life. As the docomo ad goes, "Keep it simple,silly", that's
a profound mantra for today's times. Hope we see a nicer,gentler,kinder and a
simpler world to live in and our efforts should be in that direction. Mahatma
Gandhi had told "Be the change you want to see in the world". Well,
it first starts with every single one of us!
What are you waiting for? Share the blog with your friends and family through the 'free' pleasures of today's times: WhatsApp, Facebook! No pun intended! :)
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