Watching the movie 'The Lunchbox', I was drawn into a different world sans all the clutter of modern day technology. The simplicity,the sensitivity and the pure emotions in the simple story of two strangers who get close to each other through exchanging of letters over the lunchbox was so delightful. It made me ponder over the complications that man has imposed on himself through his own intelligence. Technology was meant to make things easier for man,but the opposite is happening right now. We are moving into a complicated, insensitive world where people just do not bother about what's happening to others and relationships are getting more and more fragile by the day. There is a line in the movie "Most of the problems are not as bad as they seem"! Is this not so true? We find out ways to complicate every little thing and lose sleep over them. Most of the times,what we perceive as problems are just slight deviations from the routine and it's we who crea...