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MODI - The charioteer of an expectant India.

May 16th was a historic day in Indian politics,a day where a single man rewrote the records by defying all odds stacked against him. Though he was expected to get good numbers,the sort of thumping majority that he got in the end was expected by very few.Narendra Modi,the face of the BJP in the elections managed to get an overwhelming mandate from the people of India,the largest and most vibrant democracy in the world. Most of the opposition parties dismissed the Modi wave as mere media creation,but the results have made them eat humble pie,for it was not just a wave,but a literal tsunami and none was more affected than the congress party which had to settle for an embarrassing 43 seats,its worst ever poll returns.

It was a strategically planned,clinical victory for the BJP and the major credit for it rests on Narendra Modi,who started vigorous campaigning almost 8 months ago itself. He toured the lengths and breadths of the country,provided new hope for the masses,used technology and social  media to great effect,made smart moves right through the campaign,proffered loads of positivity and in the end,the verdict from the country was resoundingly clear: "Abki Baar Modi Sarkaar" ! More than ever before,there are many expectations from the new government. Here in this article,there is an effort to put forth the direction for the government with philosophical undertones and I provide an analogy which I hope seamlessly gels with the concept.

The Bhagavad Gita makes a reference about six troubles(doshas) which visit the human mind.The trained mind is the one which can overcome and resist these blemishes,and the untrained mind is the one which succumbs to them. The mind is like a chariot drawn by many horses,and intellect is the charioteer with the reins.If the charioteer is not capable,the horses pull in different directions and the chariot collapses.In this context,the government is the chariot,the reins represent the mind(administration),the horses represent the fickle forces of the mind,and Modi is the charioteer(intellect)! The government can genuinely succeed on many levels if it can restrain from these six troubles,so articulately elucidated in the Gita.


This is often the starting point of all troubles that arise in humanity. Lust,in simple words is intense desire,often for the wrong things. Lust for money,power and position has destroyed so many people from centuries and it holds the same for governments too. Being away from power for so long,many in the BJP would be waiting with bated breath to get ministerial berths,to make quick money,to get plum posts and to acquire big positions. It is here that Narendra Modi should take firm control and ensure that his government or party does not repeat the same mistakes as the previous ones. 


Unfulfilled desires lead to anger,and in this context, the tough hand of Modi will put many within the BJP in a quandary. Unable to get benefits for themselves,frustration might arise which would lead to anger and many a time,this can prove to be detrimental to a political party. Leading India is a tightrope walk and Modi himself will face many challenges and he therefore needs a calm,composed and determined mindset to not budge at the odds he might face.The worst form of anger is anger of the public against the ruling government,as evidenced in this election and he along with his colleagues must ensure that it never gets to this situation. A government should be the one that listens to the people,that understands their problems and provides a balm for their pain. Can Modi provide one?


It is human nature to want more and more. Whether there is any necessity for it or not,the untrained human mind craves for material things. Even after getting something,there will just be a momentary pause in the greediness,after which the mind asks for more or something else. Greed for money is the biggest threat to those in public service as it lays a solid foundation for the monster called CORRUPTION. The new government would do well to remember that this is one area which dealt a severe body blow to the previous UPA government. Scams had become as common as Mahendra Singh Dhoni winning matches in the last over! Thousands of crores of public money was squandered away and therefore, tackling corruption should be very high on Modi's agenda. There is a need to restore confidence in the citizens and the new PM must push for some administrative and judicial reforms to tackle this menace effectively.In one of his campaign speeches,Modi had indicated that he would be the watchman of India. It is highly imperative that he walks the talk and checks the looting of resources and money due to greed!


A massive victory like this tends to create a sense of euphoria in any party,and though well deserved,if not checked,it can lead to a false sense of security where the distance between the real and unreal widens.The senses are obscured,taking a man to some other imaginary world and the downfall starts right there. It is crucial for Modi to check delusion,both at an individual and government level. Yes,this has been a remarkable victory,but the battle of Kurukshetra is only half won. A lot needs to be done,and since this election was about hope,there are a lot of positive expectations from the people and an opportunity to change the "Is desh ka kuch nahin ho sakta" mindset! The government must connect with the real,burning issues of the people and keep their feet constantly on the accelerator of progress,development and maintenance of law and order.


Attachment to power and position can make many fall prey to a false sense of pride and arrogance.In a way,pride and delusion are inter-related,one causing the other. Arrogance can be a costly quality for a government to have,as exemplified by the previous one which had a whole lot of arrogant and egoistic ministers,who have hit the dust this time,quite rightfully! It is vital for Modi's government to be rooted,to work for the poor,the downtrodden and the highly neglected middle class! Pride,vanity and snobbishness will only work against them. Modi needs to take tough decisions,yet be open to constructive criticism,which is the hallmark of a free and fair democracy. The people empowered the victors trusting them,now it is payback time for the MP's; do the same for your constituencies-empower the people! Modi should exhort this dictum firmly among his colleagues. 


Narendra Modi is truly in an enviable position; winning a majority on his own,becoming the prime minister,the undisputed leader of his party,the most popular face of the nation... Surely the stuff of dreams! As a result,there is a lot of envy within and outside his party too.India is well known for its crab mentality,where people always try to bring down their own fast progressing countrymen down. It is a given that Modi has a big list of detractors,who would be waiting for an opportunity to attack him.For the past 12 years,he has faced relentless attacks,vilification,crucification and any other man in his place would have crumbled after a while. But,Modi has proved that he is a man with seriously high mental resilience,and he needs to show that a lot more in the coming years in the hot pressure cooker seat of the prime minister.

On an administrative level,the nation demands an administration which is free from politics of appeasement,hate,divide and rule,marginalisation et al  followed by the previous governments. The mantra,as coined by Modi himself should be "Sabka Saath,Sabka Vikaas"  . India has struggled too long with age old politics,now is the time for a new age development and progress politics and Modi is the right man at the helm to oversee this at a crucial time in Indian politics.For that,he needs to provide a fairly "Dosh-mukth Sarkaar"!In a way,if you see the six doshas,you will remember the UPA government as it had all six in abundance!

So,can Modi the charioteer deftly handle the reins of the dis-organised horses dragging  the chariot vociferously in different directions? Can he bring stability in a chaotic environment? If he does,can he sustain the same momentum for long,for the horses are capricious and can go wayward again very soon.Can he deliver on his promises,and put India on the map of fast growth? The answers to these questions are "Yes,he CAN" for he has done it in Gujarat. But,India is a different ball game with more complex issues,and Modi needs to bring many adjustments in accordance to that. One thing is for sure,he will give his hundred percent and provide strong governance.He has already made the right noises,he only needs to follow the same path. India has trusted him and given him a lofty responsibility and if he succeeds, "Abki Baar Modi Sarkaar"  will change to "Baar Baar Modi Sarkaar"!

Best wishes to our 15th Prime Minister Narendra Modi !


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